วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Fifth Day of SEA Teacher Project 5th Batch

Feb 6th 2018 is a Tuesday

          Hello everyone, today is the first day for observation class. The first class we observe XI Social Science 6 by content, teacher's Population Dynamics both contents and the atmosphere is different from the learning activities for much. Learn how to focus on questions and answers. Overall, the students attention and cooperation. After that I went to rest room teacher to wait to observe the next room. But the mentor surprise us by she wants us to teach in next class. I was shocked, because this is my first time. I wasn't prepared before and haven't written lesson plan. But The show must go on because few minutes to start the class. I chose the simplest content using teaching that is Thai Greeting before the start of warm activities up with music. "Say hello in Thailand." To become familiar with the students. And then teach students about Wai and saying hello in Thai. The students attention and cooperation is very good. I both excited and fun, for teaching today.

